Johnny, Jeff and Nate, the movers, arrived at 8:30 on the nose this morning. We had spent the last couple weeks organizing everything. Every puzzle had a baggie affixed to it containing every piece. My friend Connie came over for the sole purpose of helping me organize the pantry. It was serious.

The organizing was the easy part, though. The good-byes have been much harder. Over the last few weeks, we have been ticking off items on our Baltimore Bucket List-- places to visit, people to see. Daniel took Mirabella on a date to an Orioles game (we are going to miss being so close to a major league team! And right when our O's are doing so well!), we had a small group over for a cookout, I had lunch with a couple friends, dinner with another group, a night out with my sister-in-law during Sailabration, a final downtown date with Daniel, and a last Baltimore visit from my Connecticut in-laws (which featured a rainy O's game for the over-two crowd, and a trip to the Rawlings Conservatory and the Nature Center for our very excited little girls and their sweet grandparents). The girls and I went to our last small group, and Sunday was our last at our church.

We sat on the porch while the girls oohed and ahhed over fireflies and asked if we would have them at our new house in Tennessee. Daniel taught them how to catch the bugs and they ran around in the yard, barefoot, chasing them. I sat on the porch and took bad iPhone photos and sighed. We came inside, where the girls marveled over their empty room and being allowed to jump on their beds, which are, for tonight, just mattresses on the floor. It was a good last night.